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  • Indeed, although major foreign commercial films such as Sofia Coppola's

    Asian Tribune 2009

  • At Chloe, she attracted stars such as Sofia Coppola, Mischa Barton and Milla Jovovich to wear her clothes.

    The First Post: Latest 2008

  • At the press conference, she joked about her younger co-star in the ads, which are directed by Sofia Coppola, calling herself "a cougar."

    PHOTO: Natalie Portman's Topless New Dior Ad Jordan Zakarin 2011

  • As the festival flourished in the '80s and '90s, directors like Michael Haneke, the Dardenne brothers, Atom Egoyan, Spike Lee and Sofia Coppola were among those who premiered their early films to the Fortnight's eclectic audience—bourgeois housewives, students and shopkeepers elbow-to-elbow with famed film critics, Hollywood producers and the occasional film star.

    The Other Cannes Film Festival Lanie Goodman 2011

  • Introducing Mr. Jacobs, Sofia Coppola remarked that the designer's award is really only a "half-lifetime achievement award."

    Fashion Designers' Icon: Lady Gaga Rachel Dodes 2011

  • At the press conference, she joked about her younger co-star in the ads, which are directed by Sofia Coppola, calling herself "a cougar."

    PHOTO: Natalie Portman's Topless New Dior Ad Jordan Zakarin 2011

  • Like Sofia Coppola, the young filmmaker explores themes of femininity and ennui.

    A Family Business 2011

  • Spike Lee and Thornton Wilder's men and women, it emerges, talk in distinct and true-to-life ways, while, amusingly, Sofia Coppola and Woody Allen's males have more "female" markers in their speech than their females do.

    'I' Is a Window To the Soul 2011

  • The movie screened on loop at the bar while Ms. Coppola's aunt, the filmmaker Sofia Coppola, watched approvingly.

    A Family Business 2011

  • Director Sofia Coppola and magazine editor Tina Brown were among the parade of well-wishers.

    Oscar Hopefuls' Rival Premieres Mike Vilensky 2011


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